Wellbeing of our community is central to Sacred Heart education and although we cannot be physically together at the moment due to the current COVID-19 lockdown, the KRB student body is ensuring we still have a sense of community and prioritise our wellbeing. Our focus this year through the Academic Care programs has been on optimism, gratitude and resilience; these values being crucial to the development of each student and even more pertinent while we brave our current lockdown.
Wellness Week is always a highlight on the KRB calendar and this year we celebrated it virtually. The Student Leaders across both Junior and Senior campuses drove this initiative and created some fantastic initiatives for our students and staff to participate in.
The theme for our Virtual Wellness Week was “KRBOUNCE BACK!” with a focus on resilience and looking forward to the rainbow after the rain.
Through resilience, our character is strengthened and we are able to move on from adversity and challenging circumstances.
“…Resilience is the energy that allows us to change our mindsets and perceptions from the lens of fear, scarcity and separation to the lens of safety, abundance and wholeness… This is wholeness. This is health.”
Dr Clay B March (2018)
KRB is committed to always prioritising the wellbeing of our community and this is just one recent example of how this has been achieved creatively, during these challenging times.
To discover more about the KRBs Wellbeing programs, contact our Admission Team or register to attend an information morning.
Carrie Scanlan
Director of Students