An education for a new world

Rapid changes in technology have transformed the way children learn and interact. It is now time to provide learning and community spaces which reflect changes in learning and teaching to develop the modern student.

The Junior School Masterplan will reflect the future world of the child and will give them opportunities to learn in a collaborative manner through experience and enquiry, to grow in confidence and gain the knowledge and skills to transform their world.

Junior School Entry and Student Drop-off

The new drop off and pick up road from Vaucluse Road to the Junior School will alleviate traffic congestion, and as well, will increase safety for all students, parents and staff.


“I think it is amazing that this will be the future of KRB.”

Alexander Kitto, Year 5

The Year 5 & 6 Centre

An area for our Year 5 and Year 6 students to support their final years in Junior School and extend their learning opportunities in preparation for Year 7 and beyond. This fully air-conditioned area offers a variety of spaces for individual and group learning as well as introducing new media and technology to support research and investigation.

  • An Amphitheatre that can be used as a gathering space and for guest speakers
  • Quiet learning rooms for group and individual learning
  • A common room to encourage collaboration, independence and responsibility.


“It will be so exciting to learn in these spaces. Lessons will be very different and fun. I love that there are so many books and places for reading. I would feel very grateful to go to school here every day.”

Patrick Kelaher, Year 4

The Assembly Hall

An area designed to bring together the whole campus for school events and to develop student confidence through leadership and performance The Hall will be a place where children express themselves through song, dance, music and drama and demonstrate their creativity through presentation and shared learning.


It is going to be amazing having so much space. Not only will it be an assembly hall, it can be another play area for games and we can do fun things like science experiments, friendology and choir all together. I can’t wait!

Sophia Amjadi, Year 3

New Learning Spaces

Individual open learning spaces for each year level will enable students to cover all aspects of the curriculum and at the same time grow in their individual interests and work collaboratively with peers of their age, older and younger.


The area looks amazing, very creative and relaxing. It would be so much fun to learn in
this space. It has beautiful views.

Chloe O’Neil, Year 4

Outdoor Roof Space

Here the natural environment will be used to build independence, confidence and collaboration where children can explore the natural environment through hands on learning experiences.


It is so big; we could play hide and seek and sit by the flowers at lunch to eat and chat with our friends. There are also veggies gardens so I bet we could have some science lessons there too!

Trystan Askaro, Year 2

The Early Learning Centre

An exciting place where the child is the centre and where each one can explore, extend their creativity and curiosity and take risks. This space will bring nature into the classroom allowing students to extend their learning into areas of STEM in preparation for Kindergarten.  Atelier spaces for research, art and water will give children the chance to focus on particular ideas and learn from their experiences.


We love learning outside. Our new classrooms will let us have trees and nature inside. It will be like Wild Time all day long!

ELC Students, 2022

Get Involved

If you would like to find out more about the Junior School Masterplan and see how you can get involved, please contact Mary Cook, Director of Community and Advancement via the email below.

Junior School Masterplan