Mary Shanahan RSCJ OAM

On Friday, 26 May, Mary Shanahan RSCJ OAM was awarded the Honor of Croce Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice by the Holy Father, Pope Francis, for her distinguished services to the Church in the Archdiocese of Sydney and Australia.


Sr Shanahan’s career has encompassed multiple leadership roles within the Society of the Sacred Heart, at Sancta Sophia College and at Kincoppal-Rose Bay where she has been a Director of the School Board.  Mary was Provincial of the Society in Australia and New Zealand for five years and was called to Rome to be on the General Council for six years. She has served as both Vice Principal and Principal of Sancta Sophia College within the University of Sydney.  Mary is currently involved in spiritual formation at KRB and Sancta.  She is well-loved by all those she works with including staff, parents and students. Her presence as an RSCJ is of great significance, demonstrating that the charism of Sacred Heart education is wholly contemplative and wholly active.

The Papal Honour was presented to Sr Shanahan at Sancta Sophia College by His Grace the Archbishop of Sydney, Anthony Fister OP. Archbishop Fisher was effusive in his praise of her work, acknowledging the immense impact that she has had on the Church.