Message from Georgina Senes (SCA President)

As this tumultuous and challenging year ends, we would like to highlight some of the work that our committee has achieved.

Although face to face gatherings were not possible this year, we were able to run International Women’s Day, Sandwiches and Song and the SCA’s AGM remotely. All three events were strongly attended, and we have had positive feedback which is encouraging. We have been delighted at how well our alumnae were able to adapt and embrace new technologies to remain connected.

Our AGM saw us farewell outgoing members Julie Ringler, Marea Coutts and Liz Clunies- Ross. We are very grateful to these wonderful women for their hard work and commitment to the SCA. We welcome two new members Josephine Giaouris (Donohue KRB 1988) and Anne Marie Debelak (mother of Summer Casey KRB 2020) – our first parent alumnae to join the committee. We are delighted to have both Josie and Annie on board and know that they will make a positive contribution to the SCA.

The SCA has been in constant contact with the RSCJ community during the most recent lockdowns and we know that the committees’ efforts have been greatly appreciated by the sisters. It has been lovely to receive so many emails and notes of appreciation from the RSCJ community.

It was with great sadness that the Memorial Mass had to be cancelled for the second year in a row due to the pandemic. We will be sending out dates for next year’s Memorial Mass in early 2022. The SCA will run two Memorial Masses in 2022 so that we can properly honour all of those in our community who have left us in over the last two years.

Social justice is at the core of our committee, so we have been delighted to be in the early stages of working alongside the school to raise not only awareness but also funds to aid the plight of young women in Afghanistan. We will be further updating our members on the committee’s work in this area early in the new year.

Since February 2021, the SCA has been working collaboratively with both KRB School and several other independent schools to raise awareness on the issues of consent and how sex education is taught within the school system, an issue that was bought to the forefront because of a petition that was started by ex Kambala student Chanel Contos. The SCA is hosting a follow up meeting with heads of 10 independent school alumnae association on the 26th November 2021 and we look forward to continuing to work collaboratively with both the school and other associations on this very important issue.


We congratulated the class of 2021 on their outstanding achievements in navigating such a difficult year and welcomed them to the SCA as our newest members by presenting each girl with a silver bracelet with the SCA crest. The girls were delighted with this gesture. The SCA will be hosting a year 13 and 14 event for our newest members in early 2022. We are dedicated to engaging with our young alumnae and remaining connected with them as they begin the next chapter of their lives.

Thank you to all our committee and association members for your ongoing support. As an association, we are looking forward to 2022 and the opportunities that it will bring to further strengthen connections within our sacred heart family.

Take care, Merry Christmas and a happy and safe holiday to you all.

Georgina Senes (Gale 1994)