Rest in Peace – Gretchen Mary Kelly RSCJ

Vale Gretchen Mary Kelly RSCJ

Gretchen Mary Kelly RSCJ was born in Melbourne in 1928. Her father was a general practitioner and surgeon and her mother a trained nurse.  The family lived in Wangaratta, Victoria.

Gretchen’s primary education was with the Brigidine Sisters and her secondary education was at Sacré Coeur in Melbourne.  Gretchen was drawn to the spirituality of the Sacred Heart and felt called to a vocation as a Religious of the Sacred Heart entering the noviceship at Rose Bay in February 1946 and making her First Vows in August 1948.  At that time, young religious took part in a Society Juniorate leading to a primary teaching qualification registered with the State of Victoria.

In 1955, Gretchen made her Final Vows in Rome. Following that, she lived in the RSCJ Community of Sancta Sophia College, Sydney University and graduated with a BA majoring in English and History.  Then, whilst teaching at Rose Bay and Stuartholme over the next few years, she undertook part-time study and gained a BA (Honours) and an MA in English Literature.  Gretchen’s qualifications and experience prepared her for a new undertaking in 1968-1970, lecturing in education at Loreto Hall Teacher Training College in Auckland New Zealand.

In 1970, Gretchen was appointed Mistress General (Principal) at Kincoppal, Elizabeth Bay.  Gretchen later worked in other areas; building a Religion Program for State Schools in Brisbane, 1976-1984, working with an ecumenical group of collaborators, and in Catholic adult education publications in Sydney 1985-1995 where she worked with Monsignor Tony Doherty.

All her life Gretchen offered her skills. When her health made it time to move to Karlaminda she worked with stroke victims, and helped those who were disabled and in need.   When Gretchen died last week, the comment was made that, while most of us become grumpy at least sometimes, she never did during the long years when she needed care.  That gentleness was apparent during the other memories shared with me for this eulogy.  Perhaps one comment summed this up: ‘A highly intelligent woman, with great wit, humour and irony, suffering fools with subtle forbearance, spiritually astute… In her gentleness and her friendship, I found a person of great empathy and gentle guidance…. Her friendship was authentic and simple.  She understood and defended her strengths and could smile at her limitations.   Without fanfare she touched the lives of others.’

Gretchen moved to St Joseph’s Nursing Home at Kensington in 2014 where she died peacefully on 24 January, 2024.


An extract from the eulogy written and read at Gretchen’s funeral by Lynette Toohey RSCJ.