
Class of 1997- 25th(ish) Reunion, 11th Feb, 2023


After the last few years of a Global Pandemic, international and state boarders being closed, loved ones getting sick, milestones that we may have had to miss, there is light at the end of that foggy tunnel, and we are finally out the other side! That in itself is worth celebrating! 

The Class of 1997 reunion was a little late, but what is a few months delay, compared to no reunion at all? So, a belated 25th (ish) year reunion went ahead. On Saturday 11th Feb, nearly a third of the graduating class came together for a tour of the school, and canapes on the terrace. They then went on to drinks at the Golden Sheaf to catch up on everyone’s news, stories, hugs and laughs.



Ladies travelled from as far south as Country Victoria and as North as Yamba and from all around NSW  – from Orange, Forbes, Griffith and the Hunter Valley to Newcastle, Canberra and Cooma There were also local Sydney residents, spanning from the North Shore, Northern Beaches, Inner West, Eastern and southern suburbs! Others had planned to come from QLD and even USA, but last-minute travel cancellations meant that they had to miss the occasion- next time! It was not just a reunion, but a celebration of old friends getting together, to re-ignite our lifelong friendships. We laughed, cried, empathised and laughed some more on what each and every one of us have accomplished, endured and triumphed at over the past 3-5 years. On reflection, and many photos, it appears that the Holy Water blessed for us by the late Monsignor has kept us all looking very youthful! Bless! Thank you KRB Alumnae Coordinator, Victoria, for allowing us to go down memory lane once again, and re-connect with old friends – hugs all around!


Class of 2013 – 10 year Reunion, 25 March 2023

It was wonderful to welcome the Class of 2013 back to KRB for their 10 year reunion.  A small year group of 52 students enjoyed revisiting their classrooms, art rooms, dining room, the MTC and marvelling at the new building additions such as the Year 12 Learning Hub and the lunch area and deck conversion of the old swimming pool.  Alumna travelled from many regional locations such as Canberra, Orange, Wagga Wagga and Wollongong.  A wonderful day was had by all – reminiscing about their school days whilst sipping champagne on the Harbour Terrace. Thank you to Sarah Smith for organising a wonderful afternoon and evening.




Class of 1973 – 50 year reunion on 24 March, 2023


The Class of 1973 was welcomed back to KRB to celebrate their 50 year reunion. The ladies attended a Reunion Mass in the KRB Chapel celebrated by Father Christopher Slattery of the Rose Bay Parish.  Readings were chosen Jo Manion and Tricia Egan wrote the Prayers of the Faithful. Special mention was made of Sister Philomene Tiernan who was Head of Boarding during the time the ladies attended KRB. Mark Stubley, KRB Head of Music, volunteered to play the piano throughout the Mass.

After Mass, Morning Tea was served in Chapel Square where the ladies gathered and had the opportunity to meet Principal Erica Thomas. Fifty ladies attended the reunion with three ladies travelling from USA (Texas and San Francisco) and one lady from Japan. There were many who had travelled from interstate and regional NSW.


After Morning Tea, the reunion group moved to the Royal Sydney Golf Club for a luncheon where speeches were made and many school stories and photos were shared.  A further catch up was organised the next day which included partners at the Lord Dudley Hotel in Woollahra.

Our thanks to organisers Joanne Manion (Meagher), Alison Wall (Magney) and Sue Lynch (McGrath).


Class of 1988 – 35 year reunion on 1 April 2023


We welcomed the Class of 1988 to KRB for their 35 year reunion with the day commencing with a very special Reunion Mass held in the school Chapel.  Father Tom Stevens celebrated Mas which was held in memory of Louise Remond.  Louise’s parents, her siblings and their families attended alongside 50 Alumnae from the Class of 1988.

After Mass, everyone gathered for glass of champagne before meeting for lunch at the Bellevue Hotel in Paddington.  Anna Last travelled from USA to attend with many others travelling from interstate and also from regional NSW.


Thank you to Sarah Mullan (Smith), Josie Giaouris (O’Donoghue) and Natasha Nankivell for coordinating and organising the days’ events.

RIP Lousie Remond 9 July 1971 – 1 April 2020


Class of 1968 – 55 year reunion

The Rose Bay graduating Class of 1968 recently gathered together for a small reunion at the Queen Mary Club in Hobart, Tasmania. This reunion celebrated 55 years since graduation.

With just one friend from the Class of 1968 living in Tasmania, and after many years of reunions being held in Sydney and Brisbane, this year the Class decided to travel to Tasmania to celebrate their school friendships together.  A very enjoyable couple of days was had by all.

Thank you to Fran Millar (Edwards) for organising.


Upcoming Reunions 

Reunions that have been organized on the Alumnae Weekend to be held at KRB on Saturday, 7 October are as follows:

Class of 1993 – 30 year reunion.  Organisers Pippa Baker and Claudia McInerney

Class of 2003 – 20 year reunion.  Organisers Sophie Moran

Class of 2018 – 5 year reunion.  Organisers Georgia Strain, Niamh Tomlinson